As pain specialists, we believe in minimally invasive procedures to avoid unnecessary medication dependencies.
Pain & Conditions
Sciatica pain can be caused by a herniated disc or pinched nerve from your lower back, which may lead to weakness and/or tingling/numbness in the legs. Burning, shooting pain in the arms can also be associated with pins and needles sensation may be coming from your neck.
Clicking sensation, stiffness, and/or throbbing pain in your knee, hip, or shoulder joint may be a sign of arthritis. We can help manage your pain without surgery.
Do you have daily headaches or sensitivity to light or noise? You may be suffering from migraine headaches, and can benefit from Botox injections.
Pain is a sign that something is not right with your body. Don't ignore this alarm. See a pain specialist right away.
Our goal is to help patients avoid surgery, minimize the use of medications, encourage function restoration and treat causes of pain symptoms with minimally invasive procedures.
Back pain after back surgery
Georgina B.
Back pain
Martha S.
Neck pain radiating to arm
Kenneth T.

Schedule an appointment to find a solution for your pain.
We are taking precautions to keep patients and staff safe.
Learn more about what to expect on our Patients page.